Throughout the months of public engagement, the CreateNYC team facilitated hundreds of events both in person, such as tabling events and borough-wide workshops, and online via cultural participation surveys and Questions of the Week. Additionally, the CreateNYC team designed a Community Toolkit to provide ideas and tools to support community partners engage others in the planning process and then share back the results to inform the plan. The following section contains feedback summaries, CreateNYC toolkit responses, and notes from nearly all engagement events led by the team. A full list of engagement events can be found in section 7 of this appendix.
Borough Workshops Summaries
Graphic Summary
Notes and Takeaways
Table Notes
Preliminary Engagement Summary
Preliminary Engagement Summary
CreateNYC Engagement Toolkit Responses
My Community
Priority Issue Areas
Question Canvas
Reportback Form
Suggestion Cards
CreateNYC Survey Data
Arts and Culture Workers Survey
Artist Affordability Survey
Cultural Participation Survey
D21 What We Heard Poll
Online Engagement Responses
Question of the Week
Twitter data
Web Recommendation