View by Year

Objective 1: Increase equitable funding and support for culture, especially in historically underserved communitiesStrategy G: Support more opportunities for temporary and permanent art in public space
ActionCommissioned Artist Vinnie Bagwell to design a new monument to replace the statue of J. Marion Sims at 103rd Street and Fifth Avenue.
Fiscal Year: 2020 | $1M
Occurrence: Multi-year
Objective 1: Increase equitable funding and support for culture, especially in historically underserved communitiesStrategy G: Support more opportunities for temporary and permanent art in public space
ActionInstalled "Unity,"  a new permanent, public artwork by Artist Hank Willis Thomas in downtown Brooklyn
Fiscal Year: 2020 | $284K
Occurrence: Completed
Objective 1: Increase equitable funding and support for culture, especially in historically underserved communitiesStrategy G: Support more opportunities for temporary and permanent art in public space
ActionCollaborated with DOT Art and Marcus Garvey Park Alliance to install Boulevard of African Monarchs, a temporary monument at 116th Street and Adam Clayton Powel Blvd. in Harlem.
Fiscal Year: 2020
Occurrence: One-time
Objective 1: Increase equitable funding and support for culture, especially in historically underserved communitiesStrategy G: Support more opportunities for temporary and permanent art in public space
ActionAnnounced new monument in Central Park to honor the Lyons Family who made extraordinary contributions to New York City.
Fiscal Year: 2020 | $1M
Occurrence: Multi-year
Objective 1: Increase equitable funding and support for culture, especially in historically underserved communitiesStrategy G: Support more opportunities for temporary and permanent art in public space
ActionPassed legislation to increase budget for Percent for Art projects for the first time since the law was established in 1982, to allow for larger commissions of permanent art and more artists per project.
Fiscal Year: 2018
Occurrence: Ongoing
Objective 1: Increase equitable funding and support for culture, especially in historically underserved communitiesStrategy G: Support more opportunities for temporary and permanent art in public space
ActionDedicated $10M to commission new public monuments of historically underrepresented figures over the next four years, in accordance with recommendations from the Mayoral Advisory Commission on City Art, Monuments, and Markers.
Fiscal Year: 2018 | $10M
Occurrence: Multi-year
Objective 1: Increase equitable funding and support for culture, especially in historically underserved communitiesStrategy G: Support more opportunities for temporary and permanent art in public space
ActionAnnounced seven new monuments to honor women-identified trailblazers who made extraordinary contributions to New York City, as a part of the She Built NYC Initiative.
Fiscal Year: 2019
Occurrence: Multi-year


Cultural Institutions Group (CIG)

A 34-member group of cultural organizations located on City-owned property and receiving significant capital and operating support from the City.

Cultural Development Fund (CDF)

The Department of Cultural Affairs’ annual grant-making process for New York City's nonprofit arts and cultural organizations.

Fiscal Year (FY)

The New York City budget cycle starts on July 1 of a given year and ends on June 30 of the following year.


An action that occurred in the stated fiscal year.


An action that was initiated in the stated fiscal year and repeats for a finite number of years.


An action that was initiated in the stated fiscal year and occurs annually without a defined end date.

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