View by Year

Objective 1: Increase equitable funding and support for culture, especially in historically underserved communitiesStrategy D: Improve cultural access for historically marginalized groups of artists, audiences, and cultural workers
ActionContinued funding Culture Pass with the City's 3 library systems, which distributed passes to library patrons, enabling New Yorkers to visit cultural institutions and participate in programs for free.
Fiscal Year: 2020 | $100K
Occurrence: One-time
Objective 1: Increase equitable funding and support for culture, especially in historically underserved communitiesStrategy A: Increase the City's funding for cultural organizations, especially those in historically underserved neighborhoods
ActionProvided funding to the City's three library systems to develop cultural programs designed to reach new audiences.
Fiscal Year: 2018 | $255K
Occurrence: One-time
Objective 1: Increase equitable funding and support for culture, especially in historically underserved communitiesStrategy D: Improve cultural access for historically marginalized groups of artists, audiences, and cultural workers
ActionLaunched Culture Pass with the City's 3 library systems, which distributed over 65,000 passes to library patrons, enabling 160,000 New Yorkers to visit 50 cultural institutions and participate in over 100 programs for free.
Fiscal Year: 2019 | $106K
Occurrence: Ongoing


Cultural Institutions Group (CIG)

A 34-member group of cultural organizations located on City-owned property and receiving significant capital and operating support from the City.

Cultural Development Fund (CDF)

The Department of Cultural Affairs’ annual grant-making process for New York City's nonprofit arts and cultural organizations.

Fiscal Year (FY)

The New York City budget cycle starts on July 1 of a given year and ends on June 30 of the following year.


An action that occurred in the stated fiscal year.


An action that was initiated in the stated fiscal year and repeats for a finite number of years.


An action that was initiated in the stated fiscal year and occurs annually without a defined end date.

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